Cant believe Adult Swim didnt pick this up
Cant believe Adult Swim didnt pick this up
They didn't in THAT version. I think a big part of it was they had something similar at the time (Tigtone). Yelling violent guy type shit. But I re-pitched a new version of it where Fisthead isn't the only main character and that is coming out this Friday on Adult Swim's Youtube channel! If ya wanna see it as a series, give it a watch when it comes out! <3
This gives me hope for the future
I will be the spearhead of the next generation.
You make some of the best animation on the web!
Lovely! How did you make the speech noises?? I really love those sounds.
the main voice is from fl studio, i fed the original text from the Chester Stone vid into it, separating it usually by sentences, then i imported these audio tts voice clips and the original video into sony vegas (i've tried using blender for audio editing here too, but it didnt have non-pitch-shift setting for clip length), and started cutting up the tts voice into separate words, then i tried to match the tts voice length and position with the original voice clips, that way i could get the tts voice that kinda matches the canon (?) Artie voice, and timing and delivery of the original voice clips, then i tried fixing the start part, were words are slurred together, i failed and gave up on it, and decided to add subtitles to cover up my half assed work lol.
the end part uses i did not edit that part much bcs it sounded pretty much as hat i;ve expeted it to sound.
Love these character designs! Great work!
Joker design was by miles john. I only made the design for batman.
This was really dope!
Good looking out!
Your style is awesome! Nice work!
Thank you !!
You are doing well! I really like your character design and artwork!
Thanks for the kind words! I am enjoying learning more about 2d Rigs
Joined on 11/10/20